Thursday, February 21, 2013

Single Parenting

on Survival and being a Single Parent

Raising a child is really overwhelming especially if it involves a lot of stress-invoking dilemmas and situations. After going through a lot of brouhahas, raising a child is one big goal that can easily be achieved. It is a constant reminder especially for single moms like me that bonding with your youngster is one great way to start developing a happy and responsive little person. Here are a few survival tips for most single parents/moms out there.

1. Have the drive.

And so the drama of letting go and departing from your other half is through. It's not the end of the world. Here is a responsibility looking at you with those puffy eyes! Leave the baggage and start planning on how you will move on with your life without a partner. Start with partnering with your kid. Make plans and devise some call of action. First things first, have the drive. And your driver will be your lovely kid. Nothing beats that. Waking everyday for your kid is one big motivation enough.

2. Plan... Plan..

Understand and enumerate the urgent things that need your attention. "Pen and Paper" really works for me, you may wanna try it too. List all the things that you need to have, to do and to accomplish, from the easiest to the hardest. From things like nanny, budget, diapers, milk, health care and even the time that you are willing to spend looking after your kid. Draw an action plan if needed. This item may help you organizing your everyday routine and plan for urgent or unexpected situations.

3. Develop a routine.

Each and everyday is essential. However, there are a lot of things that need organizing. From budgetting, trip to the grocery, providing care and bonding time with your kid, to developing and shaping his character. Every tick of the clock is important. Well, for the first few years (from newborn to at least toddler stage), it is really important to develop a routine. This does not only allow your child to be independent, it also relieve a little bit of the burden that you're goin through. For working moms, developing a routine is one of the easiest way to get through the day without being exhausted.

4. Read books.. Magazines.. Fora
Yes, reading magazines, books and blogs about parenting is really helpful. Learn from other people's experiences and even adopt methods shared by parenst who have the same situation as you will definitely make your lie a bit easier that you think.

5. Be resourceful. Accept help if needed.

And so you dread the day that you went on solo.. so what? hey! It's not the end of the world. You can only do so much! be creative and resourceful especially in providing care and attention to your youngster. Treat him as a partner. Talk to him. grow with him. There may be situations that you cannot handle, ask help if needed. Make everyday and every minute with your youngster an enjoyable one, not only for him, but for the both of you.

Raising a child is not an easy task (wether with a partner or as a single one). What's important and that really matter is that your kid grows into abeautiful and responsive person, raised in a loving home.


Credits given to, who from pregnancy to raising my toddler, had been a resource on how I take care of my Little Migel.

7 Survival Tips for Single Parents

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