Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Art of the "Wolf"

More on Tattoos...

Whew! it has been more than a year since I last wrote a post. As promised, more writing about Tats and a whole lot more!
Featured is a Wolf's Lair Tattoo and Multimedia Studio. This is a follow up on my last post about tats! Enjoy reading!


From children's fairy tales like Little Red Riding Hood, The Jungle Book and The three Little Pigs to modern-day novel Fiction Twilight, Wolves are refered to and strongly characterized as bold, compassion, witty and a fearsome animal. These strong and mixed characteristics depicting that of a mighty wolf bore the idea of bringing up a modern-day wolf clan in the world of visual arts. An Alpha Wolf named Kent, envisioned to educate, facilitate and encourage budding artists to excel towards visual artistry, with the goal of either recognition or self fulfillment. Trained by Master Tattoo Artist, Ambetchi (of Vampire Magazine). Like any other fire starters, Kent started small yet dreamed big. His passion for skin art (Tattoo) started at the young age of 13 when got his first skin ink. Since then, Kent considered skin art as a form of self-expression. From then on, Kent had collected 25 designs inked all through out his body. Like a vampire thirsting for blood, Kent (who is an artist by nature) had not satisfied himself by just bearing symbolic tattoos on his body. Driven by passion and perseverance, Kent had decided to establish a Lair for his *wolf pack and found the perfect place in Manila, and is now called Wolf's Lair Tattoo and Multimedia Studio. Company Overview: Basic Info: Founded in 2009,

 "The Wolf" found its home at the heart of Manila, a city known for homing great artists and talents. Now running it's 4th year, the studio became a "Lair" for talented artists and an exchange center for artistry in all aspect (digital, visual, and music).


Aside from skin art (Tattoo), Wolf's Lair Tattoo and Multimedia Studio offers various services that caters and feed your artistic minds. From body arts (permanent Tats, henna and body piercing), "Alpha Wolf" also offers digital art services (film making, photo editing and enhancements, personal memorabilia) as well as custom apparel (shirt designs, scarves, etc.)

Find your way to the Wolf's Lair:

Studio Hours: 2pm-9pm Monday to Saturday
Contact Number: 09323738749
Email Address:

Some of this author's Tats courtesy of Wolf'Lair.Tattoo and Multimedia Studio

Check out their gallery here

Friday, June 21, 2013

Life Thoughts # 2

"Sometimes, beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes, it just pays to have a little faith" - Anonymous

I've got a week left to finish this year's first half. And that was one hell of 6 months that passed. Life had been a roller coaster for me and my lil kid. But like any other situation, life goes on. Majority of it had been a season of lost, grief and what nots. On the other side, lessons are being learned each and every day. Below lists some thoughts on lessons learned from the past events in my and my child's life. Some of which I hope share good points to readers.

Life is a box of chocolates.
My take: We never know what's in store for us every time we wake up. What's inside our life box surprises us each and everyday, in the most unique way.  We may experience ups and downs, and tastes life's bitter-sweet challenges. What's important is, life is very beautiful. Live one day at a time.

Healing starts with forgiving.
My take: Yes. Leaving the baggage and facing a bright new day starts by of course, accepting the fact that we cannot have everything we desire, and that what hurts us makes us grow fonder. Need I say more? Yeah, forgiving starts with acceptance and fuels healing. ( I hope I'm making sense here).

unHappy Endings should be Happy Beginnings
My take: Yes. Endings should be treated as better beginnings for something new. It's how the old saying goes "when a door close, windows will open".  Losing something or someone very important only helps us clear our view in order to see better things or be with better people.

No Matter Happens, Life goes On..

Indeed. Everything in this world exists and every event happens for a reason. Learn new lessons everyday. Do things you haven't done before. Smile.. play.. laugh.. love.. Be grateful.

Life is tough, but is worth living every second of it.
My take: Indeed life had been dark for me for the last 6 months. But hell yeah, barely noticed that since I've got a great son who loves me unconditionally, a great supportive fam and friends. Life is sweet. gearing for a brighter day tom!

Happy Weekend everyone!

Live life today.. enjoy this one from Bruno Mars.  (streamed from, no copyright infringement intended.)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Single Parenting

on Survival and being a Single Parent

Raising a child is really overwhelming especially if it involves a lot of stress-invoking dilemmas and situations. After going through a lot of brouhahas, raising a child is one big goal that can easily be achieved. It is a constant reminder especially for single moms like me that bonding with your youngster is one great way to start developing a happy and responsive little person. Here are a few survival tips for most single parents/moms out there.

1. Have the drive.

And so the drama of letting go and departing from your other half is through. It's not the end of the world. Here is a responsibility looking at you with those puffy eyes! Leave the baggage and start planning on how you will move on with your life without a partner. Start with partnering with your kid. Make plans and devise some call of action. First things first, have the drive. And your driver will be your lovely kid. Nothing beats that. Waking everyday for your kid is one big motivation enough.

2. Plan... Plan..

Understand and enumerate the urgent things that need your attention. "Pen and Paper" really works for me, you may wanna try it too. List all the things that you need to have, to do and to accomplish, from the easiest to the hardest. From things like nanny, budget, diapers, milk, health care and even the time that you are willing to spend looking after your kid. Draw an action plan if needed. This item may help you organizing your everyday routine and plan for urgent or unexpected situations.

3. Develop a routine.

Each and everyday is essential. However, there are a lot of things that need organizing. From budgetting, trip to the grocery, providing care and bonding time with your kid, to developing and shaping his character. Every tick of the clock is important. Well, for the first few years (from newborn to at least toddler stage), it is really important to develop a routine. This does not only allow your child to be independent, it also relieve a little bit of the burden that you're goin through. For working moms, developing a routine is one of the easiest way to get through the day without being exhausted.

4. Read books.. Magazines.. Fora
Yes, reading magazines, books and blogs about parenting is really helpful. Learn from other people's experiences and even adopt methods shared by parenst who have the same situation as you will definitely make your lie a bit easier that you think.

5. Be resourceful. Accept help if needed.

And so you dread the day that you went on solo.. so what? hey! It's not the end of the world. You can only do so much! be creative and resourceful especially in providing care and attention to your youngster. Treat him as a partner. Talk to him. grow with him. There may be situations that you cannot handle, ask help if needed. Make everyday and every minute with your youngster an enjoyable one, not only for him, but for the both of you.

Raising a child is not an easy task (wether with a partner or as a single one). What's important and that really matter is that your kid grows into abeautiful and responsive person, raised in a loving home.


Credits given to, who from pregnancy to raising my toddler, had been a resource on how I take care of my Little Migel.

7 Survival Tips for Single Parents

Image from :

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

on myths about TATTOOS part 1

TATTOO- permanent mark or design made on the body by the introduction of pigment through ruptures in the skin. Sometimes the term is also loosely applied to the inducement of scars (cicatrization) - Britannica Encyclopedia

My first knowledge on tattoos began when I was a kid is that tattoos are for exconvicts and bad guys (my late father loves to watch pinoy action films with those sigue sigue sputnik gang inside the jail). Even my father used to have one in his arm though (although I can’t remember if it was on his left or right arm). Anyways, I decided to write something about Tats to at least somehow clarify old myths and tales about skin art. Here are some common misconceptions about it:

1. Tattoos hurt. 
Yes and NO. I can say it brings tolerable pain because of the needles.  But the needles are so thin, and these are pierced only about a few millimeters onto your skin. Getting an injection is much more painful though.

2. Tattoos bleed a lot.
Any abrasion on the skin causes bleeding. Bleeding takes only about a few minutes, doing the outlines should not bleed but in some cases (like mine) bleeding takes only about 5 -10 minutes. 
3. Some inks hurt more than others.
Pain definitely has got nothing to do with the color or the type of ink used.
It is a common misconception that white ink or lighter colored tattoo inks are more painful.  This is untrue, lighter colors are generally put in at the end when the tattoo is being completed and the skin is most sensitive.  This gives most tattoo recipients the impression that the lighter colored inks are more painful and a white ink tattoo will hurt more.
4. Anyone who is artistic can tattoo.
False. A tattoo artist requires not only artistic skills but should also have proper training on skin types and pigments, both mechanical and technical skill in using a tattoo machine and of course strategy and style. One can be artistic enough to draw tattoo designs on paper but not on skin.
5.Artists want you to get real big designs so they can charge more.
False again. Some professionals charge for a standard size, considering the cost of needles and ink. A tattoo artist can earn more from doing small standard pieces rather than a big design. You can even have a good price for a bigger piece.
6. You’re not a real tattoo fan if you don’t have lots of tattoos.
False. Again, it does not take a person to have his own tats to be a fan. The very reason that you appreciate tattoo in the unconventional may classify you as a fan.
7. Tattoos are expensive.
Tattoos take hard work, time and ink and needles. Basically, tattoos nowadays cost less than what you expect. You can consult your tattoo artist first for quote. Normally, pricing depends on the thickness and intricateness of the design.

 Tattoos right now are becoming a trend. Aside from its cultural heritage, it is also a form of self expression and appreciation. Just a tip though (one I got when I first had mine), since tattoos are permanent skin markings, I suggest that the design may be of significance to you.

I hope these few reminders come handy in deciding to ink your skin...
If you are looking for a reliable, professional tattoo artist, check out:
1300 Sisa Street Sampaloc
Manila, Philippines

I have included a few work samples. Feel free to contact Kenthley Co @09178922720 for an appointment.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right, than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong. -William J. H. Boetcker

This month of October began with a lot of struggles, conflicts and contradiction. One realization on an October incident served as an eye opener for me and some of my friends. In this regard, I would like to highlight one simple thought... does any one of you really understand the word RESPECT?
First let me give some scholarly definitions..

Merriam Webster defines respect as “the quality or state of being esteemed"
Kant's concept of Respect drills to the recognition and consideration of values, beliefs and rights of any people.

You may be asking why the word Respect? And how it is related to my story. Let me start with some narratives...

I was with COR on a gig last Thursday, September 30. We arrived at about 10 pm, was last on the list, but what the heck.. we're having fun. And so we watched the entire show, and 2 bands before COR's turn everybody was gone. I already noticed that most of the bands that played are starting to leave the premises. Another thing I noticed is that each band playlist consists of more than 5 songs. But, again that was ok. One thing an underground band would want is to play as much as they can on every gig. And so, patiently we've waited. At last, one more band to go, and it would be COR's set, I was really infuriated when they told us that COR had to play only 2 tracks... that blew me off.. We waited for almost 5 hours, to play for 2 songs, from which the only audience we have are the waiters. WOW! Even the gig organizer was gone (he said he had work and one of them even cursed his own job on mic!) And so, COR did their part and said their thanks and bid goodbyes to the waiters and sound director.

And so much for that unfortunate event. Come Friday morning, that incident is featured on my Facebook Status.  Hell yeah, I was really mad and had to let the steam out of me. That triggered a lot per se. One comment to another led to bad mouthing and lambasting one another on a social network site. I initially questioned respect for that matter. I felt that we were disrespected that night. It all started with a wall post in facebook, I want to dwell on the respect portion of the wall post. I questioned the gig organizer's definition of respect as it seems that there is a shallow understanding of it on his retaliation posts. 

On the said confilct, wan to point out two notions:

1. As ignorant and stupid anyone can be, if you are defending a particular act, let’s say RESPECT for that matter,  understand first what the word respect is. Yes, the organizer guy obviously does not know the meaning of it. On a blog he created to answer the wall post, he literally does not understand the word respect. He literally compared it to as showing his genital parts in public.. And now who opened a can of stupidity?
2. Regardless, of course, there is a proper channel and venue to send your message. I myself is guilty of it. Using the appropriate manner does not only illustrate maturity, but also respect. Social networking site is definitely not an avenue. This will only further the differences and misunderstanding, thus retaliation of bad mouths and lambasting one another results to disrespect.

So, what is it really all about then?

Lao Tzu said, respect begets respect. You cannot expect respect from others if you do not respect your own self. In the given scenario, as mature as these people can be, one thing that is highlighted is the lack of respect (take note, I am pertaining to Webster’s  and Kant's definition) or the understanding of it. Lambasting one another in public only shows how you comprehend the subject matter. Deal with it like a real man. Accept faults, move on with your life and take hold of the lessons learned. It would not make you a lesser person to accept your weakness. In life, accepting your weakness, and struggling to correct mistakes will make you a strong person. Maybe you will say that you know all of this already. Hell yeah! But why the hell are we still doing things that belittle our own self respect? I say simple things like whining and complaining about something and doing nothing about it is a mere evidence of our weakness and lack of self respect. 
So who now is due for respect? Why does people pay respect to someone  already dead? Why don't we start pondering now?
respect life... not only of the human being but also of any living thing..
respect mother earth..
respect human rights..
respect other people's values, ideas and belief...
respect culture...

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Mighty Lion

Not because I was born (believed that I was born) in the month of August, that I adore the strengths and character of the mighty lion, which also follows the description of the Zodiac Leo. My adoration for this ferocious specie does not only dwell on its majestic character, but also its mystic yet elegant physicality . The lion, as we all know is the mighty king of the jungle. It posses a strength and charm that is irresistible to all other animal species. Yet, behind the fierce physical outlook, lies a golden heart. A heart that can be attributed to my own. A heart that is full of dreams, aspirations and determination yet powerful enough to destroy every opponent's mischievous feat.

So, watch out for the lion girl. She can cast an irreversible spell on you, and bring your own destruction without doing the arduous task on her own hands... mysterious indeed... yet very dangerous..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tribute to Kris Pomares

August was a month of news and surprises. A long time friend Kris, was diagnosed of Cancer of Lymphoma. Everybody was shocked. Still everyone managed to be strong for him. Unyo (Sebastian Hapin) told me of the bad news, and immediately contacted Bern to confirm. We scheduled a visit in Makati Med. Together with LA and his wife, we saw how hopeful and strong Kris is. I nearly cried upon hearing the details. But I said to myself and to Bern, we have to show Kris that everything's gonna be alright by not showing how sad we were.
When I got home from that visit, I got terrified.. I have full of what ifs.. Talked to some of my friends in the scene, and together with Clutches of Reality, we scheduled another visit to show support. So, seem everything is well after that.

One Sunday eve, August 1, 2010, I received a text from Bern, Kris is gone.... And that was it... I felt a cold flush of water thrown into my face upon reading the message (it was 3:30 am when I read it)...

I remember Apao saying " let's remember him when he was alive and not when he left us,". Yes, Kris was the most softspoken and jolly person in the group (Condemned*). We shared a lot of memories. Funny things he said and done, friends we shared and most of all, music. And those are the things that I will remember him most.. Even in his hospital bed (both Makati Med and East Ave.), amidst the pain he endured, he managed to tell silly jokes that never fails to make me laugh... I can still hear his laughter..his jokes and him strumming a guitar with the song 99 Red Ballons, Santeria and Time Bomb... I surely missed the Cavite and Makati gigs.. Most of all, I will miss him much..

I may not have been a part of tribute event for Kris, This is my own special tribute for him.. Pare, wherever you are..I know you are happy now, no more pains.. no more worries.. Until we see each other again..

* Kris plays guitar for Condemned, a local Grind Core Band.